Михаил Друян









2000年7月7日 (88)


Kharkov, Russian Empire [now Kharkiv, Ukraine]

Michael Druyan
Михаил Захарович Друян
Mikhail Druyan
Mihail Druyan
М. Друян
Michail Sacharowitsch Drujan

Михаил Друян

电影 / 电视节目 / 其他角色
2005Фабрика чудес. Режиссер-мультипликатор
电影 / 电视节目 / 其他角色
1995Полифем, Акид и ГалатеяDirector of Photography
1992Нимфа СалмакаDirector of Photography
1992Великая битва слона с китомDirector of Photography
1991Приключения волшебного глобуса, или Проделки ведьмыDirector of Photography
1990Когда-то давно...Director of Photography
1990ДафнаCamera Operator
1989Рождение ЭротаCamera Operator
1989ПодружкаDirector of Photography
1988Жили-были дед и бабаDirector of Photography
1987ШуралеDirector of Photography
1987Музыка революцииDirector of Photography
1986Геракл у АдметаDirector of Photography
1986Улыбка Леонардо Да ВинчиDirector of Photography
1986Петух и бояринDirector of Photography
1986Когда песок взойдёт...Director of Photography
1986Мальчик как мальчикDirector of Photography
1985Перфил и ФомаDirector of Photography
1984萨尔丹沙皇的传说Director of Photography
1984Медведь - липовая ногаDirector of Photography
1984СинеглазкаDirector of Photography
1983Путешествие муравьяDirector of Photography
1983Гирлянда из малышейDirector of Photography
1983Горе - не бедаDirector of Photography
1983Замок лгуновDirector of Photography
1983ОбезьянкиCamera Operator
1983Наваждение Родамуса КверкаDirector of Photography
1982Жил-был пёсDirector of Photography
1982Прежде мы были птицамиDirector of Photography
1982Робинзон и самолётDirector of Photography
1982Сладкий родникDirector of Photography
1982Парадоксы в стиле рокDirector of Photography
1982Волшебное лекарствоDirector of Photography
1981Халиф-аистDirector of Photography
1981Мороз ИвановичDirector of Photography
1980Мореплавание СолнышкинаDirector of Photography
1980Первый автографDirector of Photography
1980Хитрая воронаDirector of Photography
1979Director of Photography
1979Страшная историяDirector of Photography
1979Наш друг Пишичитай. Выпуск 2Director of Photography
1979Как лиса зайца догонялаDirector of Photography
1978Ограбление по...Director of Photography
1978Мышонок ПикDirector of Photography
1978Наш друг Пишичитай. Выпуск 1Camera Operator
1978Талант и поклонникиCamera Operator
1977坦克的复仇Director of Photography
1977Принцесса и ЛюдоедDirector of Photography
1977银蹄Director of Photography
1977与枕头作战的玛莎Director of Photography
1977Мелочи жизниDirector of Photography
1976Голубой щенокDirector of Photography
1976Стойкий оловянный солдатикDirector of Photography
1976Икар и мудрецыDirector of Photography
1976Шкатулка с секретомDirector of Photography
1976Муха-ЦокотухаDirector of Photography
1976Котёнок по имени ГавDirector of Photography
1976Стадион шиворот-навыворотDirector of Photography
1975Я вспоминаю...Director of Photography
1974Мешок яблокDirector of Photography
1974Дарю тебе звездуDirector of Photography
1974Вершки и корешкиCamera Operator
1974Проделкин в школеDirector of Photography
1973Новеллы о космосеDirector of Photography
1973Кто пасётся на лугу?Director of Photography
1972法厄同:太阳之子Director of Photography
1972Куда летишь, Витар?Director of Photography
1971Винни-Пух идёт в гостиDirector of Photography
1971Терем-теремокDirector of Photography
1971Скрипка пионераDirector of Photography
1971Три бананаDirector of Photography
1971СердцеDirector of Photography
1971Голубой метеоритDirector of Photography
1970Это в наших силахDirector of Photography
1970Синяя птицаDirector of Photography
1970Сказка сказываетсяDirector of Photography
1970Обезьяна с острова СаругасимаDirector of Photography
1970Лесная хроникаDirector of Photography
1969В стране невыученных уроковDirector of Photography
1969Рассеянный ДжованниDirector of Photography
1969Что такое хорошо и что такое плохоCamera Operator
1969СнегуркаDirector of Photography
1968Малыш и КарлсонDirector of Photography
1968海的女儿Director of Photography
1968猪尼娅Director of Photography
1968Хочу бодаться!Director of Photography
1968СкамейкаDirector of Photography
1967间谍狂热Director of Photography
1967Паровозик из РомашковаDirector of Photography
1967СлонёнокDirector of Photography
1967Кузнец-колдунDirector of Photography
1966Про бегемота, который боялся прививокDirector of Photography
1966Самый, самый, самый, самыйDirector of Photography
1966Рай в шалашеDirector of Photography
1966ОкноDirector of Photography
1966Происхождение видаDirector of Photography
1966БукетDirector of Photography
1966Пчёлка Жу-жу-жуDirector of Photography
1964拇指姑娘Director of Photography
1964Пастушка и ТрубочистDirector of Photography
1963Беги, ручеёкCamera Operator
1963Большой «Фитиль»Camera Operator
1963ШуткиDirector of Photography
1962Две сказкиDirector of Photography
1962Фитиль (киножурнал)Director of Photography
1961Дорогая копейкаDirector of Photography
1961КлючDirector of Photography
1960Тринадцатый рейсDirector of Photography
1960Разные колёсаDirector of Photography
1960Королевские зайцыDirector of Photography
1960Непьющий воробейDirector of Photography
1959Приключения БуратиноDirector of Photography
1959Три дровосекаDirector of Photography
1959Похитители красокDirector of Photography
1958Кошкин домDirector of Photography
1957冰雪女王Director of Photography
1957ВерлиокаDirector of Photography
1956Старые знакомыеDirector of Photography
1955被施了魔法的男孩Director of Photography
1955Необыкновенный матчDirector of Photography
1955Пёс и котDirector of Photography
1954Золотая антилопаDirector of Photography
1954Стрела улетает в сказкуDirector of Photography
1953Волшебный магазинDirector of Photography
1952一朵小红花Director of Photography
1952КаштанкаDirector of Photography
1951Сердце храбрецаDirector of Photography
1951Лесные путешественникиDirector of Photography
1950渔夫和金鱼的故事Camera Operator
1950Волшебный кладDirector of Photography
1949Мистер УолкDirector of Photography
1948Кем быть?Camera Operator
1948Сказка старого дубаDirector of Photography
1948Полкан и шавкаDirector of Photography
1947Тебе, МоскваCamera Operator
1941БармалейDirector of Photography
1940ИвасьDirector of Photography
1940Любимые героиDirector of Photography