Wallace Worsley
සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය




ස්ත්රී පුරුෂ භාවය


උපන් දිනය

1878 දෙසැ 7

මරණ දවස

1944 මාර්තු 26 (65)

උපන් ස්ථානය

Wappingers Falls, New York, USA

ලෙසද හැඳින්වේ
Wallace Worsley Sr.
Wallace Ashley Worsley

Wallace Worsley

සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය
රංගන භූමිකාවන්
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
1917Borrowed PlumageSir Charles Broome
1917Paws of the BearCurt Schrieber
1917AlimonyJohn Flint
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
1928The Power of SilenceDirector
1926Shadow of the LawDirector
1924The Man Who Fights AloneDirector
1923The Hunchback of Notre DameDirector
1923Nobody's MoneyDirector
1923Is Divorce a Failure?Director
1922Enter MadameDirector
1922A Blind BargainDirector
1922Rags to RichesDirector
1922Grand LarcenyDirector
1922When Husbands DeceiveDirector
1921The Ace of HeartsDirector
1921Don't Neglect Your WifeDirector
1921The Highest BidderDirector
1921Voices of the CityDirector
1921The Beautiful LiarDirector
1920The PenaltyDirector
1920The Street Called StraightDirector
1920The Little Shepherd of Kingdom ComeDirector
1919Playthings of PassionDirector
1919Diane of the Green VanDirector
1919A Woman of PleasureDirector
1918An Alien EnemyDirector
1918Social AmbitionDirector
1918Honor's CrossDirector
1918A Law Unto HerselfDirector
1918The Goddess of Lost LakeDirector