Eddie Muller
සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය




ස්ත්රී පුරුෂ භාවය


උපන් දිනය

1958 ඔක් 15 (65)

උපන් ස්ථානය

San Francisco, California, USA

ලෙසද හැඳින්වේ

Eddie Muller

සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය
රංගන භූමිකාවන්
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
Shot EditedSelf
2023100 Years of Warner Bros.Self
2022Nightmare: The Life and Films of Cornell WoolrichSelf
2019Freeing “Trapped”Self
2018The Man Who Cheated Himself-RevisitedSelf
2017A New Dimension in Noir: Filming Inferno in 3DSelf
2016Borsalino CitySelf - Cinema Critic
2016Love Is a Roller Coaster: Woman on the Run RevisitedSelf
2015Los Angeles: Cité du Film NoirSelf
2011American GrindhouseSelf
2011The Cost of Living: Creating the ProwlerSelf
2010The Czar of Noir: Eddie Muller Steps From the ShadowsSelf
2008Killer Instincts: Richard Widmark and Ida Lupino at Twentieth Century FoxSelf
2008Turning of the Tide: The Ill-Starred Making of MoontideSelf
2006Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to LightSelf
2006The Maltese Falcon: One Magnificent BirdSelf
2006Shadows of SuspenseSelf
2005Possessed: The Quintessential Film NoirSelf - Noir Novelist & Historian
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
Tab & TonyBook
2022Nightmare: The Life and Films of Cornell WoolrichWriter
2015Tab Hunter ConfidentialAuthor
2008The Grand InquisitorWriter
2008The Grand InquisitorDirector
2001Mau Mau Sex SexWriter
2001Mau Mau Sex SexEditor
2001Mau Mau Sex SexCo-Producer