Willis H. O'Brien
සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය




ස්ත්රී පුරුෂ භාවය


උපන් දිනය

1886 මාර්තු 2

මරණ දවස

1962 නොවැ 8 (76)

උපන් ස්ථානය

Oakland, California

ලෙසද හැඳින්වේ

Willis H. O'Brien

සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය
රංගන භූමිකාවන්
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
1918The Ghost of Slumber MountainGhost of 'Mad Dick', the Hermit (uncredited)
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
1963King Kong vs. GodzillaOriginal Story
1962キングコング対ゴジラOriginal Story
1960The Lost WorldVisual Effects
1959Behemoth, the Sea MonsterSpecial Effects
1959Behemoth, the Sea MonsterVisual Effects
1957The Black ScorpionVisual Effects
1957The Black ScorpionSpecial Effects Supervisor
1956The Beast of Hollow MountainIdea
1956The Beast of Hollow MountainOriginal Story
1956The Animal WorldSpecial Effects
1956The Animal WorldVisual Effects
1949Mighty Joe YoungVisual Effects
1935The Last Days of PompeiiVisual Effects
1933King KongVisual Effects
1933The Son of KongVisual Effects
1925The Lost WorldSpecial Effects
1925The Lost WorldVisual Effects
1920Along the Moonbeam TrailDirector
1918The Ghost of Slumber MountainDirector
1918The Ghost of Slumber MountainWriter
1918The Ghost of Slumber MountainCinematography
1918The Ghost of Slumber MountainSpecial Effects
1917R.F.D., 10,000 B.C.Director
1916Prehistoric PoultryDirector
1916Prehistoric PoultrySpecial Effects
1915The Dinosaur and the Missing Link: A Prehistoric TragedyDirector
1915Morpheus MikeDirector