Otho Lovering
සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය




ස්ත්රී පුරුෂ භාවය


උපන් දිනය

1892 දෙසැ 1

මරණ දවස

1968 ඔක් 25 (75)

උපන් ස්ථානය

Philadelphia, PA, USA

ලෙසද හැඳින්වේ
Otho S. Lovering
Otto S. Lovering
Otto Lovering
Otto Levering
Otho Scott Lovering
Otto Scott Lovering

Otho Lovering

සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
1969Young Billy YoungEditor
1969The Good Guys and the Bad GuysEditor
1968The Green BeretsEditor
1968The Ballad of JosieEditor
1967The Way WestEditor
1966Ride Beyond VengeanceEditor
1966The Last of the Secret Agents?Editor
19657 WomenEditor
1964Cheyenne AutumnEditor
1964Law of the LawlessEditor
1963Donovan's ReefEditor
1962The Man Who Shot Liberty ValanceEditor
1952Jack and the BeanstalkEditor
1951The Lion HuntersEditor
1951Navy BoundEditor
1950The Lost VolcanoSupervising Film Editor
1950Bomba and the Hidden CitySupervising Film Editor
1950Lucky LosersSupervising Film Editor
1950Short GrassEditor
1950Blonde DynamiteSupervising Editor
1950Young Daniel BooneEditor
1949Bomba, the Jungle BoySupervising Film Editor
1949Bomba on Panther IslandSupervising Film Editor
1949Master MindsSupervising Film Editor
1949Sky DragonSupervising Editor
1949Hold That Baby!Supervising Film Editor
1949Joe Palooka in the CounterpunchEditor
1948I Wouldn't Be in Your ShoesSupervising Editor
1948The Golden EyeSupervising Editor
1948The Feathered SerpentSupervising Editor
1948Docks of New OrleansSupervising Editor
1948Jinx MoneySupervising Film Editor
1948Smart WomanSupervising Editor
1948Smuggler's CoveSupervising Film Editor
1948Song of My HeartSupervising Editor
1948Joe Palooka in Winner Take AllEditor
1948Campus SleuthSupervising Film Editor
1947Bowery BuckaroosSupervising Editor
1947High ConquestSupervising Film Editor
1946Abilene TownSupervising Editor
1946Gallant JourneySecond Unit Director
1945Story of G.I. JoeSupervising Film Editor
1944Fighter Combat Formation: Attacks and EscortsDirector
1943The OutlawSupervising Editor
1942Lady in a JamScreenplay
1940Foreign CorrespondentSupervising Editor
1939Eternally YoursEditor
1939Slightly HonorableSupervising Editor
1939Winter CarnivalEditor
1938Trade WindsEditor
1938I Met My Love AgainEditor
1937I Met Him in ParisEditor
1936Valiant Is the Word for CarrieEditor
1936Drift FenceDirector
1936Border FlightDirector
1936The Sky ParadeDirector
1935The Gilded LilyEditor
1935Wanderer of the WastelandDirector
1935Accent on YouthEditor
1934We Live AgainEditor
1933I'm No AngelEditor
1933A Bedtime StoryEditor
1932A Farewell to ArmsEditor
1932No Man of Her OwnEditor
1932Devil and the DeepEditor
1930Street of ChanceEditor
1930The Virtuous SinEditor
1930Anybody's WarEditor
1929The Wild PartyEditor
1929The MightyEditor
1929The Wheel of LifeEditor
1928The Sawdust ParadiseEditor