Fred C. Newmeyer
සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය




ස්ත්රී පුරුෂ භාවය


උපන් දිනය

1888 අගෝ 8

මරණ දවස

1967 අප්‍රේල් 24 (78)

උපන් ස්ථානය

Central City, Colorado, USA

ලෙසද හැඳින්වේ
Fred Richard Newmeyer

Fred C. Newmeyer

සඳහා ප්රසිද්ධය
රංගන භූමිකාවන්
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
1923Safety Last!Car Driver Who Gets Parking Ticket
1919Bumping Into Broadway
1919Young Mr. Jazz(uncredited)
1919Captain Kidd's KidsAh Nix (Chinese Cook)
1919The Marathon
1919Don't Shove
1919A Sammy in Siberia(uncredited)
1919Count Your Change
1917By the Sad Sea Waves
1917Over the Fence(uncredited)
1917Clubs Are Trump
1917Lonesome Luke, Messenger
1917Rainbow Island
1917We Never Sleep
1917From Laramie to London
1917Love, Laughs and Lather
1917Lonesome Luke Loses Patients
1916Luke's Movie Muddle
1916Luke Joins the Navy
1916Luke's Fireworks Fizzle
1916Luke's Speedy Club Life
1916Luke Rides Roughshod
1916Luke and the Mermaids
1916Luke and the Bang-Tails
1916Luke, Patient Provider
1916Luke, Rank Impersonator
1916Luke's Lost Lamb
1916Luke Locates the Loot
1916Luke Does the Midway
1916Luke, Crystal Gazer
1916Luke's Society Mixup
1916Luke's Late Lunchers
වර්ෂයචිත්රපටය / රූපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / අනික්කාර්යභාරය
2022The Little Rascals - The ClassicFlix Restorations, Volume 5Director
1937Mail and FemaleDirector
1936General SpankyDirector
1936Arbor DayDirector
1936The Pinch SingerDirector
1935A Scream in the NightDirector
1935Secrets of ChinatownDirector
1934The MothDirector
1934No RansomDirector
1934Lost In The LegionDirector
1934The Big RaceDirector
1932Discarded LoversDirector
1932They Never Come BackDirector
1932The Night RiderDirector
1932The Gambling SexDirector
1931Subway ExpressDirector
1930Fast and LooseDirector
1930Queen HighDirector
1930The Grand ParadeDirector
1929Sailor's HolidayDirector
1929Rainbow ManDirector
1928The Night BirdDirector
1928Warming UpDirector
1927The Lunatic at LargeDirector
1927That's My DaddyDirector
1927The PottersDirector
1927On Your Toes!Director
1927Too Many CrooksDirector
1926The QuarterbackDirector
1926The SavageDirector
1925The FreshmanDirector
1925The Perfect ClownDirector
1925Seven Keys to BaldpateDirector
1924Girl ShyDirector
1924Hot WaterDirector
1923Safety Last!Director
1923Why Worry?Director
1922Grandma's BoyDirector
1922Dr. JackDirector
1921Never WeakenDirector
1921Now or NeverDirector
1921Among Those PresentDirector
1921A Sailor-Made ManDirector
1920Number, Please?Co-Director
1920Raise the RentDirector
1920All Lit UpDirector
1920Money to BurnDirector
1920Merely a MaidDirector