Jaromír Zaoral
Žinomas dėl







1930-07-28 (94)

Gimimo vieta

Taip pat žinomas kaip

Jaromír Zaoral

Žinomas dėl
MetųFilmas / Televizijos laida / KitasVaidmenį
1994SpolužáciDirector of Photography
1988Advokát ex offoDirector of Photography
1988Mimořádný případDirector of Photography
1988U nás domaCamera Operator
1987Velké sedloDirector of Photography
1985Slaný sníhDirector of Photography
1985Dovolená na úrovniDirector of Photography
1985Několik životůDirector of Photography
1985O princezně, která nesměla na slunceDirector of Photography
1984Černí z NatalieDirector of Photography
1984...a mnoho štěstí v osobním životěDirector of Photography
1984Bezva tátaDirector of Photography
1984Jak princezna hádala, až prohádalaDirector of Photography
1984Postel s nebesyDirector of Photography
1984Jahody na stéble trávyDirector of Photography
1984Teta Alžběta, můj kluk a pes PacDirector of Photography
1983TelefonDirector of Photography
1983Bratr ŽakDirector of Photography
1983Plamen a dým aneb Tajné lásky a veřejné omyly poštovního úředníka V. V.Director of Photography
1983Michal detektivemDirector of Photography
1983Stavy rachotíDirector of Photography
1983Dopiš domaDirector of Photography
1982Kocourek ModroočkoDirector of Photography
1982Poslední adresa neznámáDirector of Photography
1982Pravda neroste na višniDirector of Photography
1982Nápoj láskyCamera Operator
1982Čokoláda aneb Příběh psaný na voduDirector of Photography
1982PosedlostDirector of Photography
1982Jak Janíček vyhrál závodDirector of Photography
1982Sněhulák SněhurkaDirector of Photography
1982Nevěra se nevyplácíDirector of Photography
1982Medvědí klukDirector of Photography
1982Bez ženské a bez tabákuDirector of Photography
1982Příběhy všedního dneDirector of Photography
19813× denně kapku rosyDirector of Photography
1981ExperimentDirector of Photography
1981Petr a jeho partaDirector of Photography
1981Beskydská epizodaDirector of Photography
1981Přicházejí bosíDirector of Photography
1980Ze života velkého chlapaDirector of Photography
1980Ohrožené městoDirector of Photography
1980TybysDirector of Photography
1980Čmelák Aninka a ti druzíDirector of Photography
1979Hořká slza radostiDirector of Photography
1979Sonáta v Mariánských LázníchDirector of Photography
1979Svědomí běžceDirector of Photography
1979Od večera do ránaDirector of Photography
1979Labutí píseňDirector of Photography
1978Kondor létá vysokoDirector of Photography
1978Žhavou stezkouDirector of Photography
1978Letní nocDirector of Photography
1978PřekvapeníDirector of Photography
1978Pohádky z lesaDirector of Photography
1978Svět na MěsíciDirector
1978Čas polomů a štěpůDirector of Photography
1977Čtveračinky anebo o třech mistrech z cechu šibalůDirector of Photography
1977VernisážDirector of Photography
1977Antonius a KleopatraDirector of Photography
1977Poštovní známka z VídněDirector of Photography
1977Janovi lidéDirector of Photography
1977Děti mají zpívatDirector of Photography
1977Patálie s netopýremDirector of Photography
1977Jak sluníčko otevřelo studánkuDirector of Photography
1976SvědekDirector of Photography
1976Soukromá věcDirector of Photography
1976Hledání v prachuDirector of Photography
1976Obtíže rovinDirector of Photography
1976Kamenný řádDirector of Photography
1976Toníkovy snyDirector of Photography
1975PláňataDirector of Photography
1975Anna mých snůDirector of Photography
1975Princezna MajolenkaDirector of Photography
1975PimpinoneDirector of Photography
1975Poslední koncertDirector of Photography
1975Papoušek z IsfahánuDirector of Photography
1975Hranice imunityDirector of Photography
1974KošilkaDirector of Photography
1974O statečném Bartoškovi, lesním hospodáříčkovi a léčivé bylinceDirector of Photography
1974O veselé píšťalceDirector of Photography
1974Země úsměvůDirector of Photography
1974Jak se Honza nestal králemDirector of Photography
1974Peer GyntDirector of Photography
1974HaldyDirector of Photography
1973Valašský vojvodaDirector of Photography
1973Sedmá rukaDirector of Photography
1973Jak Kuzma vyzrál na medvědyDirector of Photography
1973Mořská pannaDirector of Photography
1973Příběh středního útočníkaDirector of Photography
1973Veselé paničky windsorskéDirector of Photography
1973Kluk na ženěníDirector of Photography
1972BakalářiDirector of Photography
1972Inšpektorov veľký prípadDirector of Photography
1972AnnabelaDirector of Photography
1972Poslední rokDirector of Photography
1972Ztracený prstenDirector of Photography
1971ŽabičkaDirector of Photography
1971EpizodaDirector of Photography
1971RembrandtDirector of Photography
1971Ten, který dostává políčkyDirector of Photography
1971PlatonovDirector of Photography
1971Požehnaný věkDirector of Photography
1971DispečerDirector of Photography
1970Země úsměvů a snůDirector of Photography
1970Auto jako pávDirector of Photography
1970Fantastická rodinaDirector of Photography
1970V zahradě jsou s láskou svou don Perlimplin s BelisouDirector of Photography
1970Půjčka za oplátkuDirector of Photography
1969Slovanské tanceDirector of Photography
1969Smrt a život Flinka MizeryDirector of Photography
1969Monology v zrcadleDirector of Photography
1968Nápadník z MarsuDirector of Photography
1968StrašidlaDirector of Photography
1968Jeho urozenost pan měšťákDirector of Photography
1968Slovanské nebeDirector of Photography
1968PortrétDirector of Photography
1968StromDirector of Photography
1967Plukovník ChabertDirector of Photography
1967Zámek na jihuDirector of Photography
1967Modche a RéziDirector of Photography
1967Čtyři páni hrubiániDirector of Photography
1967Hejtman a jeho hrdinaDirector of Photography
1967Páni GlembayovéDirector of Photography
1967MaličkostiDirector of Photography
1966Ondřej a drakDirector of Photography
1966Co nás dělíDirector of Photography
1966LumpacivagabundusDirector of Photography
1966Dnes ještě zapadá slunce nad AtlantidouDirector of Photography
1966Kouzlo domovaDirector of Photography
1966Korczak a jeho dětiDirector of Photography
1965Prostor k ústupuDirector of Photography
1965Kamenný hostDirector of Photography
1965Strašidlo canterwillskéDirector of Photography
1965VániceDirector of Photography
1965Každý něco pro vlastDirector of Photography
1965Otázka hrdostiDirector of Photography
1965MedeaDirector of Photography
1964ObrazyDirector of Photography
1964KrysařDirector of Photography
1964Šestá žena ModrovousovaDirector of Photography
1964LištičkyDirector of Photography
1963Paní Marjánka, matka pluku aneb Ženské srdceDirector of Photography
1963Milenci z kioskuDirector of Photography
1963Není doba pro zupáky aneb Patálie seržanta KingaDirector of Photography
1963CestujícíDirector of Photography
1963NávštěvaDirector of Photography
1962KořenyDirector of Photography
1962Jegor Bulyčov a ti druzíDirector of Photography
1962Černé démantyDirector of Photography
1961Markoltovo šprýmování aneb Frantové a bařtipániDirector of Photography
1961Všichni moji synovéDirector of Photography
1961Kryštof Kolumbus aneb Objevení AmerikyDirector of Photography
1961Zákon zimního táboraDirector of Photography
1961V nebezpečném pásmuDirector of Photography
1960Pohádka z poutiDirector of Photography
1960Zadržitelný vzestup Artura UieDirector of Photography
1960TrojanéDirector of Photography
1959O zlobivém kohoutkoviDirector of Photography
1959O princezně, vojáčkovi a obláčkuDirector of Photography
1959O dobrém dni a dobré nociDirector of Photography