William Lubtchansky
Aithnichte airson







26mh Dàmh 1937

Latha a' bhàis

4mh Cèit 2010 (72)

Àite breith

Paris, France

Ris an canar cuideachd
William Lubchansky
W. Lubtchansky
Willy Lubtchansky

William Lubtchansky

Aithnichte airson
Dreuchdan cleasachd
BliadhnaFilm / Taisbeanadh telebhisean / EileDreuchd
2010Nos yeux se sont ouverts
2010Ils ont vu l’Enfer...Self
2009L'Enfer d'Henri-Georges ClouzotSelf - Interviewee
1993Die Beharrlichkeit des Blicks
BliadhnaFilm / Taisbeanadh telebhisean / EileDreuchd
2013Le Dernier des InjustesDirector of Photography
2010Le rapport KarskiDirector of Photography
2008La Frontière de l'aubeDirector of Photography
2008Itinéraire de Jean BricardDirector of Photography
2007Ne touchez pas la hacheDirector of Photography
2006Jardins en automneDirector of Photography
2005Les Amants réguliersDirector of Photography
2004Une visite au LouvreDirector of Photography
2003Histoire de Marie et JulienDirector of Photography
2003Petites coupuresDirector of Photography
2002Lundi matinDirector of Photography
2001Va savoirDirector of Photography
2001Il viandanteDirector of Photography
1999Sicilia!Director of Photography
1999Adieu, plancher des vaches!Director of Photography
1999Un vivant qui passeDirector of Photography
1999La DébandadeDirector of Photography
1999À mort la mort !Director of Photography
1998Secret défenseDirector of Photography
1997Von heute auf morgenDirector of Photography
1996La buena vidaDirector of Photography
1996Brigands, chapitre VIIDirector of Photography
1995Le Nouveau MondeDirector of Photography
1995Belle ÉpoqueDirector of Photography
1994Jeanne la Pucelle I - Les BataillesDirector of Photography
1994Jeanne la Pucelle II - Les PrisonsDirector of Photography
1994Du fond du cœurDirector of Photography
1994Jeanne la pucelleCinematography
1994Germaine et BenjaminCamera Department Manager
1993Coitado do JorgeDirector of Photography
1993C'est de l'artDirector of Photography
1992AntigoneDirector of Photography
1992La Belle Noiseuse : DivertimentoCinematography
1992La Chasse aux papillonsDirector of Photography
1991La Belle NoiseuseDirector of Photography
1991Les ÉquilibristesDirector of Photography
1990Nouvelle VagueDirector of Photography
1990Le Petit CriminelDirector of Photography
1990The MahabharataDirector of Photography
1990Un week-end sur deuxDirector of Photography
1989Schwarze SündeDirector of Photography
1988Les Saisons du plaisirCinematography
1988Fréquence meurtreCinematography
1988La maison de jadeDirector of Photography
1988Hommage à VernonDirector of Photography
1987Agent TroubleDirector of Photography
1987Comédie !Director of Photography
1987Où que tu soisDirector of Photography
1986I Love YouDirector of Photography
1986La PuritaineDirector of Photography
1986HavreDirector of Photography
1986ÉlectreDirector of Photography
1985ShoahDirector of Photography
1985La Tentation d'IsabelleDirector of Photography
1985After DarknessDirector of Photography
1985L'Été prochainDirector of Photography
1985ShoahDirector of Photography
1984Frankenstein 90Director of Photography
1984KlassenverhältnisseDirector of Photography
1984L'Amour par terreDirector of Photography
1983Cap CanailleDirector of Photography
1982Le Pont du NordDirector of Photography
1982Trop tôt, trop tardDirector of Photography
1982Boulevard des assassinsDirector of Photography
1982La Mémoire courteDirector of Photography
1982L'IndiscrétionDirector of Photography
1981La Femme d'à côtéDirector of Photography
1981Merry-Go-RoundDirector of Photography
1981L'Ombre rougeCamera Supervisor
1981NeigeDirector of Photography
1981Les Jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de GratzDirector of Photography
1981Paris s'en vaDirector of Photography
1980Sauve qui peut (la vie)Director of Photography
1980Premier voyageDirector of Photography
1979France/Tour/Detour/Deux/EnfantsDirector of Photography
1979France/tour/détour/deux/enfantsDirector of Photography
1978Comment ça va ?Director of Photography
1977Toute révolution est un coup de désDirector of Photography
1977Dernière sortie avant RoissyDirector of Photography
1976DuelleDirector of Photography
1976Ici et AilleursDirector of Photography
1976NoroîtDirector of Photography
1976Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communicationDirector of Photography
1975DaguerréotypesDirector of Photography
1975Numéro deuxDirector of Photography
1975Parlez-moi d'amourDirector of Photography
1973L'An 01Director of Photography
1973Une journée bien remplieDirector of Photography
1973Défense de savoirDirector of Photography
1973Pourquoi IsraëlDirector of Photography
1971Ça n'arrive qu'aux autresDirector of Photography
1971Le SauveurDirector of Photography
1970Klann - grand guignolCinematography
1969Le Temps de vivreDirector of Photography
1968Un film comme les autresDirector of Photography
1966Les CréaturesDirector of Photography
1966Elsa la roseDirector of Photography
1965La Tête du clientAssistant Camera
1965Fragilité, ton nom est femmeDirector of Photography
1964Fjarst í eilífðar útsæDirector of Photography